yigal monovich
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Krell Evolution 707 AV Preamp
כאשר אתה רוצה את הטוב ביותר ויש לך את הכספים לשלם עבורוכך מתחלה הסקירה ב -HOME THEATER REVIEW
פרהאמפליפייר שעלה 30000$ כשיצא לשוק
היחיד כרגע בעולם שמוצע למכירה!!!
When striving for the best of the best, you take no prisoners and accept some compromises in features. Just like the Ferrari FXX, which lacks things like powered windows and air conditioning, the Krell Evolution 707 skips on many of the modern bells and whistles, like iPod interfacing or an Ethernet port for connecting to your computer music library. Instead, it maximizes everything else, making it perform better than any other unit available. Offering exceptional analog and movie performance, with decoding of the new uncompressed codecs (though only via LPCM in my early production model) and an exceptional video scaler for analog sources, this piece is designed for the customer who wants the absolute best in an AV and music system. Diehard audiophiles used to running a two-channel preamp with home theater pass-through can get rid of that other preamp and know they've got the best of both worlds in one box. This is without a doubt the best-sounding AV, two-channel and multi-channel preamp ever made.
סיכום הביקורת של Home Theater Review במקור
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פרטים בטלפון בלבד-0508989020
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