נייל גאדר, מהכותבים היותר מוערכים של אבסולוט סאונד, בחן את הדגם החדש של מורל, סופרן.
המבחן שם
הסיכום כאן
המבחן שם
הסיכום כאן
The Morel of the Story
One size never fits all in the high end but to its credit Morel doesn’t play it safe with the Sopran. This is not a “same place, same thing” kind of speaker. And visually it goes for it. I love the fact that since its arrival it has elicited both coos of approval and hoots of controversy. Yet, at the same time the Sopran clicked with me on a variety of musical levels. I became hugely engaged with the many virtues of the Sopran, which with only fairly minor exceptions meets or surpasses my expectations in the tough neighborhood where the Sopran competes. This is the epitome of a class act on the cutting edge.
One size never fits all in the high end but to its credit Morel doesn’t play it safe with the Sopran. This is not a “same place, same thing” kind of speaker. And visually it goes for it. I love the fact that since its arrival it has elicited both coos of approval and hoots of controversy. Yet, at the same time the Sopran clicked with me on a variety of musical levels. I became hugely engaged with the many virtues of the Sopran, which with only fairly minor exceptions meets or surpasses my expectations in the tough neighborhood where the Sopran competes. This is the epitome of a class act on the cutting edge.